
Bullshitageddon: How Misinformation and Disinformation Are Tearing Society a New One

How Misinformation and Disinformation Are Tearing Society a New One

Bullshitageddon: How Misinformation and Disinformation Are Tearing Society a New One

How Misinformation and Disinformation Are Tearing Society a New One

Alright, folks. We’ve got an epidemic of weapons-grade bullshit contaminating the infosphere, and it’s about time we sounded the damn alarm. I’m talking about misinformation and its evil twin, disinformation. Both will rot societies from the inside out faster than you can say “fake news.”

So, what’s the difference between this troublesome twosome? Well, misinformation is like your gullible grandpa on Facebook reposting utter nonsense between minion memes. Disinformation is information’s corrupt cousin, purposefully fabricating lies to rewire your brain. See the difference? Let’s elaborate before rage forces you to flip a table.

Misinformation - The Idiot’s Guide to Screwing Up the Truth

Your average, garden-variety moron spreading health advice or statistics from disreputable sites fits the misinformation bill. They bogart bits of bull without meaning real harm, but the junk info spreads like gonorrhea at a frat party, nonetheless. Pretty soon, millions believe eating nothing, but bacon prevents cancer or some such stupidity. 

You can chalk this BS pandemic up to the lethal combo of idiots not fact-checking, algorithms rewarding clickable crap, and social media allowing anyone to blast fabricated diarrhea across the interwebs. The gullible gobble it down, never questioning why Aunt Karen is suddenly a disease expert when she failed freshman bio. 

So, when misinformation infests societies, it becomes a petri dish cultivating conspiracy theories and eroding trust in experts. Are anti-vaxxers somehow trusting a suburban mom’s medical expertise over scientists with MD/PhDs? That’s the misinformation’s fault. Senators claiming Jewish space lasers cause wildfires? A product of nitwits nurtured on bullshit.

Bullshitageddon: How Misinformation and Disinformation Are Tearing Society a New One

Disinformation – How the Truth Got Weaponized 

Think of disinformation as propaganda’s pissed-off progeny. This is purposeful deception crafted to manipulate the masses, usually for money or power. We’re talking state-sponsored psyops, corporate dirt-slinging, and political hit jobs galore. The core goal? Making the population question reality.

Exhibit A: Russia didn’t hack the 2016 U.S. elections—they just planted enough fake news to turn voters’ brains into cottage cheese. Suddenly, voters thought Hillary Clinton was running a demonic child sex ring in a pizza parlour basement. Absurd? Definitely. Effective? Scarily so. Other countries took notes.

Corporations run disinformation operations, too. They spread false health rumours about competitors. Fabricate employee accounts praising their company values and bankroll fake grassroots movements supporting their agendas. Disinformation is simply black hat business as usual now. 

And the piece de resistance? Deepfakes. These AI-generated video lies are almost impossible to debunk once they go viral. Just imagine the chaos from seeing a President declare war in a convincing deepfake—apocalyptic potential.

Why This Shitstorm Matters

So, besides melting citizens’ brains, why should we care about this informational pollution? Because it’s tearing society apart, that’s why. Friendships fracturing from fake news on Facebook. Politicians profiting off polarization. Neighbors seeing neighbors as nothing but stereotypes instead of humans. 

Both disinformation and misinformation corrode public trust faster than paint stripper. And civilized society functions about as well without trust as a car does without gasoline – it doesn’t. Instead, it becomes every man, woman and troll farm for themselves. Political discourse gets drowned in divisiveness. Echo chambers harden. Compromise becomes a four-letter word. Progress slows to a tortured crawl.

The New Propaganda War

History shows truth is often the first casualty of war. Now we’re witnessing a new propaganda arms race, where the weapons targeting hearts and minds aren’t bullets—they’re bots, trolls, and tech. And the collateral damage isn’t corpses—it’s comprehension. 

Winning this war requires smarter strategies from tech titans, less gullibility from digital denizens, and leaders grown-up enough not to exploit division. Fact-checking should be a civic duty of the modern age. Critical thinking is an essential skill behind reading and math. And the truth should be revered instead of resented. 

Easy fixes? Hell no. But societies deciding truth no longer matters is like trusting a sex ed class run by celibate monks. BAD IDEA. Time to wake up, get outraged, and take the damn Infowars seriously. 

Factfulness over fuckery in 2024!

Bill Beatty

International Man of Leisure, Harpo Marxist, sandwich connoisseur https://4bb.ca / https://billbeatty.net